Vol. 5 No. 2 Dec. 2021

Planet Earth Strikes Back: Landscapes of Toxicity in Latin American Fiction
Author:Leila Lehnen    Time:2022-01-10    Click:

Planet Earth Strikes Back: Landscapes of Toxicity in Latin American Fiction

Leila Lehnen

Page 022-033

Abstract: This essay discusses how contemporary Latin American literature (Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia) employs the discourse of toxicity—condensed in the metaphor of bio-engineering and mutation—to process and interrogate what Jason Moore has called the “Capitolecene.” Moore proposes to understand the “accumulation of capital, the pursuit of power, and the co-production of nature in dialectical unity.” This essay considers how the co-production of nature, impelled by greed (a recurring allegory of capitalism) goes terribly wrong by generating toxic biomes. As such, these texts function as ecocritical allegories of the Capitolecene (specifically in its iteration as biocapitalism) and its human and environmental consequences.

Keywords: ecocriticism, Latin American literature, Capitolecene, toxic discourse

Doi: 10.53397/hunnu.jflc.202102003

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