Vol. 5 No. 2 Dec. 2021

Morning Conferences: From Dialogue to the Sacrificial Rite and the Formation of Scapegoats
Author:Jorge Federico Márquez Muñoz, Pablo Armando González Ulloa Aguirre    Time:2022-01-10    Click:125

Morning Conferences: From Dialogue to the Sacrificial Rite and the Formation of Scapegoats

Jorge Federico Márquez Muñoz, Pablo Armando González Ulloa Aguirre

Page 074-089

Abstract: In order to achieve the objectives of transparency and accountability, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has offered a press conference every morning since he took office. This situation seemed to be a transcendental change in the field of democratic dynamics and political communication in Mexico; however, not merely a means of communication, these conferences have instead become a method of government. Using postulates of Mimetic Theory, this essay analyzes AMLO’s conferences, showing how this daily practice has become propaganda for the regime.

Keywords: scapegoat, Morning Conferences, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, neoliberalism

Doi: 10.53397/hunnu.jflc.202102008

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