Vol. 7 No. 1 June 2023

Worlds of World Literature and Worlds of Literary Scholarship
Author:David Damrosch    Time:2023-08-07    Click:

Worlds of World Literature and Worlds of Literary Scholarship

David Damrosch

Harvard University

Page 043-052

Abstract: In this interview, David Damrosch ties the ends of his prolific and relevant contribution to literary studies. From the modern development of the concept of world literature to the organization of ambitious projects of World Literature anthologies; from the embracing of many worlds of world literary scholarship to the consideration of the emergence of A.I. and its possible consequences for the literary experience.

Keywords: world literature, ultraminor literatures, Eurocentrism, writing systems, cultural memory, A.I.

DOI: 10.53397/hunnu.jflc.202301005

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