Peer-Review Protocols

Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures (JFLC) abides by the highest international standards of scholarly publishing. The submission of an article for publication in JFLC implies that you have read and agreed with the journal’s Ethical and Legal Conditions: the manuscript is your own original research and does not duplicate any previously published work, including your own, without proper referencing. Manuscripts submitted to JFLC must not be already published, accepted for publication, or under consideration elsewhere. Papers must not contain abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal content.

All submitted articles (with the exception of invited guest articles, which will be reviewed by the inhouse editorial team), undergo a double-blind, peer-review process. The decision of the reviewers will be acknowledged by the JFLC Editors in accordance with eligibility for publication.

No charges are applied either for submitting, reviewing or processing articles for publication.

For a full description of the Ethical and Legal Conditions, please visit “Code of Conduct”

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